
The Secrets to Looking Younger

looking younger

When we were still young, in our 10s, 11s, 12s, we all wished to grow up and be an adult, cause of all the freedom and things we can do. We might put on our father’s tie, his reading glasses, and his big working shoes to look older or wear mum’s high heels, put on her lipstick and hold on to her handbag. However, once we step into our young adult journey. We all wished that the ageing process can slow down a little… well maybe a lot. Cause as we age a year older each year, we are also facing a lot of physical changes. Getting a year older is not a problem, but the problem is how our body ages together as well. Therefore, we might start purchasing all the anti-ageing products and searching for different tips to stay younger.

There are many Do’s and Don’ts for looking younger. Today, NUWA BeautyLab have helped you gathered all of them in one place, so that you can easily start the right practices today.

The Don’ts

To start off, let’s talk about the don’ts. To completely avoid these practices can be difficult, but the aim here is avoid them if possible. If for some, you can cut them off completely then that’s great. If not do not worry, reducing the amount would already help a lot.

1/ Smoking

We all know that smoking is bad for our body as it is one of the biggest factors that causes lung cancer. It is actually bad for our skin as well, as Tabacco contains toxins that stresses our skin which would lead to dryness and wrinkles.

2/ Drinking Alcohol

Once again, is not new to hear that alcohol is bad for our health. As it can cause many health problems such as high blood pressure, stroke, liver diseases and digestion problems. It also causes skin problems. Ever noticed after excessive drinking, you will feel thirsty, dry and your face starts to have pimple-like bumps? This is because alcohol dehydrates the skin and drinking too much will cause broken blood vessels and rosacea.

3/ Prolonged UV Rays Exposure

We know how the myths said looking tanned might seems “healthier”, therefore when the sun is out you might go under the sun for a sunbath, or you start using tanning beds. However, prolonged exposure of your skin under the UV rays does you more harm than good. UV rays will damage the DNA in your skin cells, leading it to cause wrinkles, sunspots and dryness.

4/ Consuming Unhealthy Foods

The first thoughts of unhealthy foods would properly be those with high content of sugar or fried foods. However, if we are talking about skin health it is not just that. It is all the food that causes skin inflammation. It covers a lot of the food; it is impossible to avoid them completely but try to reduce the amount would help a lot. Foods that causes skin inflammation includes:

  • Fatty Processed Meat
  • Sugar
  • Refined Carbohydrates
  • Processed Cheese
  • MSG
  • Fried Food
  • Gluten (if you are sensitive)

5/ Repeated Facial Movements

When you make facial expressions, it requires using underlying muscles in your face. If you receptively make the same facial expressions which triggers the same set of muscles these facial lines to become permanent. These same facial expressions are like squinting due to sunlight or when you are trying to read.

The Do’s

Besides avoiding things, there are actually things you can do that will make you look younger, let’s have a look!

1/ Wear Sunscreen

Although you might have avoided sunbathing or tanning beds, but when you go out daily you are still exposed to UV rays. Therefore, it is important to protect your skin with sunscreen. It is said that for the sunscreen to work and protect your skin it needs to be at least SPF 30. Still not sure how to choose the right sunscreen? Check this blog to help you choose the best sunscreen, and do not worry about not getting you Vitamin D with sunscreen on, because it does not cause vitamin D deficiency! To read more about sunscreen and Vitamin D, check this blog!

2/ Clean and Moisturise Daily

Keeping your face clean and hydrated is important. Cleaning it properly will help remove germs and necessity, it could also help reduce acne and pimples. Then it is important to moisturise them after. As hydrating your skin combats dryness. Dry skins are the reasons for ageing skin, if your skin is hydrated properly, it will give you the youthful glow!

Check out these blogs to help you choose the skincare products that can help you cleanse and hydrate your skin:

It is important to choose the right skincare product that suits your skin. Start the right skincare routine with the right products today, so that as the day pass you will only look younger and not older!

3/ Drink Lots of Water

We have just mentioned the importance of hydrating your body. Besides hydrating it with skincare products, it is also important to keep our body hydrated by drinking lots of water. The rule of thumb is drinking at least 8 glasses per day, but most importantly is not how many glasses you drink but ensuring your body is hydrated. Therefore, never leave yourself being very thirsty, as this is your body sending alarm to tell you that you are low in water.

4/ Eat a Healthy Diet

As people always say, you are what you eat. For this reason, it is important to maintain a good a healthy diet. Consume more anti-inflammatory whenever possible, such as the following:

  • Berries
  • Fatty Fish
  • Broccoli
  • Avocados
  • Green Tea

There are also foods that you can consume which will help your skin glow. Check out this blog, to find out more about what food makes your skin glow.

Moreover, maintain a healthy diet also means the way and time you consume your diet. Check out this blog, which tells you about the different diet plans available. Choose the diet plans that best suit you, as the blog says diet to stay healthy and not lose weight. If you are healthy internally it will reflect externally as well.

5/ Adapt a Healthy Habit

This includes but not limited to getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and cutting out your digital and screentime usage. Creating a healthy habit will put your life in a good track. Staying active not only does it help to maintain a healthy weight, but it also helps increase blood flow, moving oxygen and critical nutrients throughout your body thus making you look younger. It can also help build and maintain strengths and muscle mass that help brings lots of benefits.

Not to mention, you can easily tell if someone is fatigue from work or when they did not get enough sleep. As it is reflected from the skin, those with lack of sleep will often look dull, in a long run it will increase signs of ageing through fine lines. Moreover, lack of sleep will leads to other issues as well, check out the importance of the right amount of sleep here.

Over usage of digital devices also leads to problems as blue rays cause various issues. Want to know how to do a digital detox? Check here!

The Do’s and Don’ts mostly can be referred as the good and the bad habits we all have. Start quitting and avoiding the bad habits while forming the good ones. Not sure how to ace this process? You can check here; it will tell you about how. To look young is not a day job, it is an ongoing process that lasts forever. As said, some of the don’ts are close to impossible to cut off completely, is okay. Reducing them is good enough. Moreover, in order to work in a long run, you need to find it enjoyable. Therefore, give yourself cheat days when necessary, and conduct the Do’s and Don’ts in the way that best suits your lifestyle!