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NUWA BeautyLab is a new brand promoting a beautiful and healthy lifestyle. We write inspiring blogs on beauty, health and well-being lifestyles as we believe healthy wellbeing lives a beautiful soul.  Want to know more, check the about us page

Our blog is an information-sharing blog, providing our visitors with tips on beauty and well-being. As we want our visitors to care for themselves more during their occupied lifes.

Delivery charges may vary depending on the seller on Amazon. Visit Amazon to view their delivery options and prices.

Unfortunately we do not offer a subscription package as all products are purchased through amazon. Some individual products offer subscription through the Amazon platform.

Of course! You can find us on Instagram @nuwa_beautylab and on Facebook. 

Yes! Not just that all products we have chosen strictly meet the below criteria:

  1. Vegan & Cruelty- Free
  2. Organic & Pure
  3. Sustainable Brand Spirit
  4. Socially Responsible

You can contact us through direct email at [email protected] or complete the contact form below with your question. We will get back to you as fast as we can.

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