
Don’t underestimate the power of makeup 

Makeup power

Power of Makeup

Makeup is the common daily routine for our female NUWers, probably not so much doing the Covid days while working from home. It might be enjoyable for some, while others find it annoying as it involves applying a lot of things to your face and removing it after. But did you know it can also improve your wellbeing? You heard it right, results have shown that it can improve our mental health while females have their makeup on.  


If you ask those who love wearing makeup, they are most likely going to tell you they love wearing makeup because it makes them look bright, feel more comfortable and confident. Don’t judge a book by its cover, a phrase that has been said forever. Yet it is something that is still happening. Many people might have experienced being bullied due to their looks, as a result, they suffer from mental illness but most of them have said that makeup has helped them a lot. Have you ever thought about why you need makeup to make yourself confident? It is sad to see this social trend where some people cannot be accepted the way they are, and how ironically make up the tool that makes you ‘look good’ is also a tool that has helped these individuals to walk out the mental illness. Aren’t we always told that we should learn to love the way we are and accept people the way there are? NUWers, what do you think? 

Research back in 2012 from Renfrew Center Foundation has shown that 44% of the women feel that they are less attractive without their makeup on. While a quarter of the females starts wearing makeup when they are 13 years old, therefore might find it difficult to imagine going out without it. So those who are bullied and suffered mental illness due to their looks uses makeup to make them look brighter and more acceptable, which resolved the problem of being bullied and as a result improves their wellbeing.  


That’s not the end, makeup has helped others who suffered from mental illness too. A Reddit thread from 4 years ago, where someone had asked how makeup have helped them physically and mentally. From their experiences, NUWA BeautyLab has generated 3 insights into the reason makeup have helped people mentally.  

1. It gets their minds off things

A lot of things happen every day, and as we grow older you will only have more burdens on your shoulders. In order to relax a bit is to get these stressful factors off your mind for some time. Makeup has the ability to do so. As you would have shifted your focus to thinking about how you want your makeup done, although it is a daily task that might have become so instant it is still able to shift your focus for a bit.  


Some of the mothers in the forum might have suffered from drinking addiction, which affected their mental health severely. Yet with makeup, they are able to stop themselves from drinking. As they will spend the time, they used to drink into trying out new makeup styles or tools. This way not only will it benefit their mental health it is also better for their physical health. 

2. "Me" Time

During the day, we are often occupied with a lot of things. From work to friends and family, and often lack the “me” time. Some suggested the 15 minutes they spent every morning putting on their makeup is their “me” time. It is a time when they can pamper themselves and treat themselves with something they like. Perhaps using the new eyeshadow set they got from Christmas or putting on their favourite colour of lipsticks.  

It is also a perfect time and the only time when an individual looks at themselves closely to see how that person in the mirror is doing.  

3. Power of Control

During the day, many things are out of our control. Like how you are late cause the train is delayed, pitch an idea to your boss which got turned back or how you want to get a ham sandwich for lunch and by the time you got to the coffee shop, it is sold out. The uncontrollable factors often bring us anxiety and annoyance as things are always going out of control. But makeup is different, it is something an individual has control over.  


Not just that, some people might be suffering from other chronic illnesses where they might need to undergo different treatments, they are unable to control how their illness go but they can take control of something that can make them cheerful, just like makeup.  


You can put on the makeup style that best represents your feelings or the makeup that gives you the most strengths to go through the day. The power of makeup is not how well you put it on your face but how you have the ability to control it. 

Makeup has proven to have shown different benefits for our mental health, why not pamper yourself with some new makeup?: 

Eye shadow pallet with 8 different colours. Choose a colour that matches your outfit or your mood on that day.

Don’t have time or are too lazy to put on full makeup, use this lipstick to brighten up your look, or finish the makeup with this lipstick to look complete.

NUWers, remember that if you are feeling stressed and don’t know what to do. There are a variety of ways that can help you such as mediation and fragrances. Now there is another one, which is makeup. We do not need to care what others think about us with our makeup on, as we don’t put on makeup to impress but to make ourselves feel better.