
The Handbook of Body Moisturising

Body moisturising

The importance of body moisturizers and the differences between them has been discussed here. It is also important to know that for it to be beneficial, applying the right time and the right way is the key. There are 5 best times when moisturizers should be applied to help keep your skin moist and maintain at its healthiest.  

1/ After Shower

Starting off simple, applying moisturiser after the shower is a must. The time when our skin is most hydrated is when we are still wet, and water evaporates quickly off our skin. If we do not lock in the moisture, when the water evaporates it will pull away water from our body as well leaving our skin dry after the shower. Therefore, it is best to apply moisturisers after shower when our skin is still damp. This will help lock in the moist within our body 

2/ Before Exercising

If you are going to exercise outdoor, it is best to apply a thin layer of moisturiser on the skin. As the cold air and wind can dry off the skin and sweat that evaporates off is like water will pull away our moist. By applying moisturizers before exercising can help reduce the dryness that may occur post-workout. 

3/ After Shaving

Girls, if you are doing your regular shaving, remember to apply moisturizers after shaving. As the process of shaving will remove the top layer of skin cells. By applying the body moisturizers to the hew layer of skin, it can keep it moist and protects it from the external environment. It is the same if you have exfoliated, it will remove the top layer of skin cells so applying moisturizer after exfoliation is a must too.  

4/ Before Bed

Over the night, although we are not outdoors the air still pulls away our body moist. Therefore, it is important to apply body moisturizers before bed to keep our skin moist, as well as nice and soft. You can apply slightly thicker layer before bed so that it will keep it moist the whole night, especially during times when you have your AC or heater on. This will prevent it to dry out quickly so that when you wake up the next day your skin will Less likely going to feel itchy and uncomfortable. 

5/ After Washing and Sanitising your hands

You might have noticed in the recent years due to covid; you have increased the rates of hands washing, therefore the skin on your hands is always dry. This is because of the alcohol substances within hand gel and sanitizers. Applying moisturizers after that is important. The best is to apply hand moisturizers but if you do not have it applying body lotion is also a workable way to keep it moist.  

body moisturising

Applying body moisturizers is to lock in the moisture and provide nourishment to the skin, if it is done in the right place and the right way it will brings multiple benefits.  

1/ Maintain Young and Healthier Skin

Due to environmental changes, our skin can be exposed to potential damage and threats. The moisturisers are to repair all the damage, help cell regenerate and nourish the growth of younger skin cells. This can help reduce wrinkles, making us look younger. Moreover, giving a small massage in gentle strokes while applying moisturisers can increase the blood flow which can help makes the skin look young.  

2/ Help Reduce Skin Problems

A hydrated skin is healthier and can reduce acne or inflammation caused by extreme dryness or oiliness. Just like plants, it is important to keep them moist by watering them regularly. If it is not, the leaves will turn brown and dry. Therefore, ensure to apply it regularly, and during the day apply you can choose to apply moisturizers that contain SPF which can protect the skin from UV rays.  

3/ Support Skin Barrier

Through washing, it can weaken the front line of defence against microbial invasions. Moisturizers are embedded with ingredients that can strengthen the skin barrier and help keeps the skin microbiome balanced and healthy. 

4/ Comfort Sore Skin

Sensitive skin might easily feel irritated from having a hot shower or from shaving. Applying moisturizers can help comfort and calm the irritated skin 

5/ Improves Skin Elasticity

All moisturisers contain a component that improves the suppleness and elasticity of the skin. Applying it before bed will help the skin repair damaged skin making it soft and refreshed the next morning. As over the night, our skin tends to lose its water content, body moisturizers can help replace and improve the lost humidity of the skin. 

6/ Lifts the Mood

Moisturisers are made with soothing and natural essential oils which can help lift the mood make us feel happy and relaxed.  

Body skincare is equally important to the skincare of our face. It is important to do it correctly so that the body’s skin can remain healthy and hydrated. Although body skins are thicker and less likely going to be sensitive but are also harder to keep moist. Therefore, do not be selfish, apply thicker layers and reapply them during different times of the day. Do not wait until you feel dry and itchy to reapply, as that is the time when your skin is sending our final warnings telling you they need to be hydrated. Therefore, keep a moisturizer near you, so that you can always apply them when you need to. At urgent times, if you do not have a body moisturizer with you, you can apply hand moisturizers to help keep it moist first.  Keep monitoring the changes in your skin, maintain a healthy lifestyle and change products when necessary to ensure the best outcome is seen. Keep monitoring the changes in your skin, maintain a healthy lifestyle and change products when necessary to ensure the best outcome is seen.