
Season of Love is here, where is mine?

Season of love and blossoms

Is my love season here?

Season of love

Spring is the season where flowers bloom, it is also the season of love. In this loving season, do you want to know if your love is here? It is time for tarot and see how your love luck is going. 


Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Unclutter all the thoughts you have right now and just think about this question “In the season of love, is my love on its way”. Once you are ready, open your eyes and choose one card below. Choose one based on your first instant, which card is connecting to you? Once you have chosen your card, you can now scroll down and see what the card wants to tell you.

Spring tarot

Card A: The reversed Hierophant

The reversed Hierophant

Key words: Blind dates/ friends and families  

For those who picked this card, the reversed Hierophant means that your true love is most likely going to appear during group gathering activities. If you are attending group activities such as weddings, parties, celebration feasts etc, it is suggested that you take every opportunity. This person is willing to give you love and care, and willing to share their joy and sorrows with you. Between you two, you have endless topics to talk about. This relationship is simple, joyful just like friends, as he/she knows how to respect you. You will also get a lot of support from your friends and families, as the prospects are bright. This person can even be said as someone perfect in every aspect and it could potentially be someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with. 

Card B: The Empress

The empress

Keywords: introvert/ vision 

For those who picked this card, you are someone that is more reserved. Someone very thoughtful and would not easily give all your love to your other half. You don’t easily unleash your feelings, as you want to reserve it to the one and only, once you meet the one, you are willing to give all your love and emotions wholeheartedly. 


A lot of people have confessed or are pursuing you, but none of them satisfies you. You have been in different relationships in the past, but it is not the one that you want. Either the relationship didn’t feel right or that the person is simply not someone you want to spend time with. 


Therefore, you are still on the road of searching, searching, and believing that you will meet that person to that you are willing to give your heart and emotions. If you choose this card NUWers, we wish you the best of luck in finding the right half. 

Card C: The Chariot

The Chariot

Keywords: Strong/Independent 

For those who picked this card, in the coming year, you have devoted your time and effort into work. Love is something too time-consuming, and simply not on your list of priorities. 


In fact, you are not the type of person that people would think of being single or that no one is pursuing you. It is just that you are too devoted to work that you simply do not have the time and effort to think about love, and have no one in mind that you feel like you can fall in love with. As time goes by, you are used to this lifestyle, where you spend most of your time at work and being single is normal for you. As you simply do not have the thoughts and intentions, therefore the chances of meeting the person become very little. Perhaps, for those in this situation, it is time to rethink what work is giving you and to build some habits to get a work-life balance, as work should not be everything in your life. 

Card D: The Sun

The sun

Keywords: Fate/Romance 

Your true love is coming to you, if you are single, you will soon feel the loving atmosphere.  


Those who picked this card, you are not someone that is outgoing or constantly socializing. It could be because you are an introvert or that you are just too occupied by work and that you do not have time to meet new people. This is because those who picked this card, your social circle is rather small, if you want to speed up the process of having the right person to reach you, it is suggested that you can go out and meet new friends and socialize otherwise it can be a slightly long journey for that person to reach you. 


Remember love don’t just fall from the sky, you need to open your social circle and let people in so that you can find that person and for that person to reach you. We are not saying you need to use dating apps or start going to bars and talking to strangers. Find the most comfortable way, and go out to meet different people. Perhaps join some dance class or attend parties that are arranged by your friends. Grasps every possible opportunity, and your true love will reach you before you know it. 

NUWers, so is your love season here yet? Remember this is just a general tarot and gives you insights. It might not work for everyone, but we do hope that those in a relationship will continue to stay sweet, and those who are single will meet some nice people in this love season, that is perhaps your true love or a benefactor that will bring you luck and joy in our life.