
Tips to Say Bye to Sensitive Skin

Seasonal transition is approaching soon, the external changes will increase the sensitivity of our skin. How should I treat my skin? Seasonal skincare is based on the biological condition of your skin. It is not required to replace all the products during the change of season, as long as you have the necessary products, all you need is to just adjust your skincare routine. Especially during the change of season, it is important to reinforce the moisturising steps. Restore your skin’s resistance, otherwise, your skin is vulnerable to irritation and itchiness during seasonal changes. These are three tips to avoid seasonal allergies: Sun protection, cleaning and eating well.  


As winter moves into spring and summer, the sebaceous glands will gradually secrete oil more quickly. Particularly at the beginning of the seasonal transition, as the weather shifts dramatically. The alternation of hot and cold air causes the blood vessels to contract and dilate, the intense sunlight is also prone to extreme skin sensitivity. The extremely fragile situation of your skin will lead to redness, itchiness, and irritation.  

Tip 1: Wash face gently, and no more than 2 times a day

Use warm water to wash your face. Water that is too hot or too cold will lead to unwanted dilatation or contraction of the blood vessels on the face. Choose a mild, weak acid cleanser for your skin. To maintain the skin’s natural moisture and protective sebum film to prevent dryness, tightness, or itchiness on appearance.  

A gentle cleanser for sensitive skin by Sukin, it will help remove impurities and excess oils. Formulated with green tea and cucumber, it gives you a cleansing, natural and refreshing aroma at the same time. 

Sukin has also launched a special body wash for sensitive skin, to help keep you away from seasonal allergies. 

Moreover, ESPA, which has its own spa, provides a cleanser that is supported by many users, keeping many people away from sensitive, unhealthy skin. 

During the change of season, redness and irritation can easily appear on the skin. During the change of season, redness and irritation can easily appear on the skin. When your dry, normal or combination skin shows signs of allergies, it is not recommended to cleanse the face more than 2 times a day.  


If you have dry to normal skin type and see no visible oil on your face when you wake up in the morning you can simply clean with water that is slightly cooler than your body temperature (clean gently and avoid rubbing). For oily skin, if oiliness is evident, maintain the usual frequency of cleansing, yet try to use gentle cleansing products to avoid the removal of the skin’s natural oil barrier. 

Tip 2: Simplified skincare process, but protection from UV rays is essential.

There are many varieties of care products. If you use all types of skincare supplements, your skin will be overburdened and may experience allergies. Start streamlining your daily routine now, to prevent putting your skin natural barrier at risk. Facial Mask, essence, nutritious, and many more are suggested to put on hold during seasonal changes. These products are usually made with alcohol and emulsifiers, which can potentially break down the stratum corneum. If you are used to using exfoliating products, do not use them during the seasonal change. As regular exfoliation accelerates the metabolism of old skin cells, resulting in smooth and radiant skin. In short, this will make your skin thinner as a result more sensitive.  

To build up your skin’s natural defence against external factors, it is best to use fragrance-free care products and to strengthen the application of moisturizing toners and lotions.  

Sukin Facial Moisturizer will protect the skin’s moisture barrier and is suitable for all skin types. 

Sukin Sensitive Facial Moisturiser contains antioxidant-rich oils to help restore skin’s moisturizing levels. 

Besides the major moisturising procedures, the exposure to intense sunlight, temperature fluctuations and other stimuli can easily lead to allergies. To avoid the harmful effects of UV rays, you should look for products with SPF 50+ and PA+++ and always be sure to reapply every 2 to 3 hours. Spray-on sunscreen is encouraged to make outdoor shopping and activities more convenient. 

Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Dark Spot Sun Defence Sunscreen SPF 50  

Coola – Classic Body Spray Piña Colada SPF 30-177 ml Blue (Bright Blue) 

Tip 3: Have balanced nutrition and sufficient daily hydration.

The human body is composed of 70% water. The NHS suggests that every adult should drink at least six to eight glasses of water a day. Hydration is particularly effective during the change of season. It helps the body to moderate the temperature when the weather changes dramatically. Therefore, always keep a bottle of water nearby to ensure you will always hydrate yourselves! Moreover, this might sound old-fashioned but limits the consumption of fried food while increasing the consumption of nutritious food. As a healthy body is the key to creating a healthier skin tone, it does not matter how many external products you apply to your skin if you do not fill it with nutrients at the start. So, start keeping your body well-nourished in order to create a healthy skin tone that is resistant to external environmental changes.  


NUWers, let’s stay away from sensitive skin during the transition season, and stabilize and balance your skin condition by focusing on your maintenance strategy!