
LED light therapy : How it works | Benefits | Products

What is LED light therapy ?

LED which is Light emitting diode, is a non – invasive skin treatment that enters skin layer to improve the skin conditions.  The LED therapy works at cellular level to improve the skin. It engages the use of the LED, which gives light and this light helps with your various skin concerns. The LED light has different wavelengths and different wavelength targets different skin concerns. The lED light penetrates deep into the skin and supports cellular production. LED therapy is a gentle process and has no downtime, which means you can go back to your normal routine immediately after the treatment. LED light therapy has its popularity because of its anti ageing benefits., because it stimulates the production of collagen, thereby reducing wrinkles and fine lines



How does LED light therapy work ? Different types of LED therapy ?


LED light therapy has a different wavelength that penetrates to your skin to give the most appropriate skin treatment. LED light therapy is also available to buy from amazon and can be used for the comfort of your home. There are different colours of LED light therapy that can be done. Let us discuss different colours of  LED light such as red, blue, green and yellow. 


Red Light (which has the wavelength of 630 – 700 nm) – Red light therapy is used to reduce redness and inflammation. Red light also promotes collagen production thus reducing wrinkles and working as anti – ageing treament. 


Blue Light ( which has the wavelength of 405 – 420 nm) – Blue light therapy is used for cleaning the bacteria causing acne. This light usually targets the bacteria that cause the acne. It destroys the bacteria that is present on your skin in a non-invasive way. 


LED light can be done at home.


Yes! You read it right LED light therapy can be done at home. This can be done at the comfort of your home available to buy from Amazon. There are many devices that are available on Amazon, some of them are masks, a hand held device but easier to use. 

Hangsun Light Therapy Acne Treatment LED Mask – A UK based brand on health and beauty. It is a home device that has three light red, blue and orange. Priced at  £ 29. It can be used at home and is portable. Each of these lights has their own specification such as Blue light for the bacteria that cause acne, red light for inflammation and orange light for dull skin. The mask is easy to use, you just have to put on the mask for 10 mins. This mask generally helps in mild to moderate acne. This mask helps with redness in red, smooths skin, reduces wrinkles, and treatment of acne. 

LED light therapy
Hangsun Light Therapy Acne Treatment LED Mask

Project E LED Photon Light Therapy – This LED light therapy comes with more variants of light. This product priced at  £ 109 comes with 7 variants of light. This light helps with production of collagen by penetrating deep underneath the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. This 7 LED light therapy has a solution to many of your skin concerns. 

LED therapy
Project E LED Photon Light Therapy

FOREO UFO Full Facial LED Face Mask Treatment – This handheld device priced at £ 75 offers a high quality facial treatment. This works for anti-aging, boosting collagen production. The facial treatment should be done for 2 minutes to get the full benefit of the product. This device use red light therapy to stimulate collagen production. 

LED therapy
FOREO UFO Full Facial LED Face Mask Treatment

HIME SAMA LED Light Therapy – This 7 LED light therapy priced at £ 111, uses the latest technology for facial treatment. This mask has a facility that can be used on your face and neck. The seven light comprises of yellow light which fades dark spot, red light which has firm and smooth texture, blue light helps with the sensitive nature of the skin, teal light helps with the water and oil, in case you are looking for moisturisation then it might want to use the purple light, green light helps you with the anti – ageing and for relaxation and restoration white light is the best for your skin. According to the specific concern related to your skin the most appropriate LED light should be used for your skin treatments. 

LED Face Mask, HIME SAMA LED Light Therapy Skin Mask for Face and Neck Skin Rejuvenation, Anti Aging Skin Tightening Home Use
HIME SAMA LED Light Therapy

Benefits of LED light theory


LED therapy with various light sources has different benefits to the skin. The key benefits are as those cited below – 

1.     Collagen production – In LED light therapy the light penetrates deep into the skin and stimulates collagen production. Which helps in maintaining skin elasticity. By minimising the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin, this encourages a more youthful and revitalised appearance.

2.     Reduce redness and inflammation – If you have redness and inflammation in your skin, blue light has the inflammaory and redness reducing properties. The anti-inflammatory properties will help to calm down and soothe your skin. 

3.     NOn invasive and not painful – LED light therapy is totally non invasive and does not involve any needles. Unlike any other facial treatment which has a downtime, LED light therapy does not have any downtime. You can easily carry on with your routine after the facial treatment. 

4.     Acne treatment – Blue light therapy helps in treating acne, blue light basically targets the bacteria that breaks out acne. The LED light therapy is gentle and will not have an adverse effect on your skin. 

5.     Improvement in skin texture – Cellular regeneration happens in LED light therapy which helps the skin texture enhancement. The production of skin cells helps with a more smooth, even skin tone. People with uneven skin tone and texture with acne this LED light therapy can be essential.

6.     Quick and efficient skincare option – LED light therapy is a fast facial treatment. Usually from 2 mins to 10 mins. IT can be used at the comfort of your house and is a portable device. Devices range from different shapes and sizes, from hand held device to mask. Unlike any other facial treatment where you would require a professional’s help. LED light therapy is much easier and time efficient. 



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11 months ago

Thanks for sharing such a useful blog on light therapy.