
YES! It is okay to be not okay!

Is okay to cry

Crying is a Sign of Strengths

Is okay to be not okay. We are not talking about the popular Korean drama here but trying to deliver the same message, that it is okay to feel not okayWe all experience different emotions each day such as happiness, anger, fear, disgust, and sadness; however, not all of them are accepted the same way. Out of all the emotions mentioned, happiness is the widely accepted emotion as it represents strengths and confidence, and sadness is at the other end of the spectrum. It is not widely accepted as it is viewed as a form of weakness. The remaining emotions are in the middle of the spectrum that is neither favourable nor unfavourable but still, it is an acceptable form of emotions.  

Just because that is widely thought of, yet it is actually not true. Sadness is not a form of weakness but strength, especially crying. NUWers as we always promote here in NUWA BeautyLab our mental beauty health is equally important. It is important that we are mindful of our own thoughts and feelings and embrace them as they are. Research has proven that those who cry are mentally stronger. This is because they are capable of and willing to accept their own emotions and the various aspects of themselves. We express different emotions daily without noticing. Such as smiling when you see a cute baby, or a dog passed by angry and annoyed due to the heavy traffic. If we can do them without noticing, why do we think twice when expressing sadness? Why can’t we just cry when we are sad? 

Remember when we were babies before we can even speak, crying is our form of communication with the outside world. Just because we have grown up, it does not change this factor. Crying has shown that it can ease communication. We are telling you to cry all the time, but at times when your emotions are at peak level and want to cry, then just let it roll out. Studies have found that if a person suppressed their emotions too much can backfire and can even diminish our sense of contentment. We often see it with males, as they are often taught that “real men don’t cry.” In a long term, many males are unable to express their own feelings, and can potentially have issues with their mental health.  

is okay to be not okay

 It is an important part of our lives to understand the complexity of emotions within ourselves. Scientifically, crying has been shown to have a variety of benefits in enhancing our wellbeing both physically and mentally, we have listed 3 below. 

1. It releases toxins

Especially when your tears are to deal with stress, it releases hormones and chemicals from your body. The fewer chemicals in our body which in turn can reduce our stress levels.  

2. Hydrating and cleaning our eyes

Just like we need to drink a lot of water daily to keep ourselves hydrated and go for showers to keep ourselves clean. Crying is doing the same thing. Crying can help keep our eyes moist, furthermore, it can also wash off any dust and bacteria that are in our eyes. Help keep our eyes healthy. As a result, it also helps improve your vision. 

3. Boost mental health

As mentioned, those who cry are stronger mentally as they are willing to express their feelings freely. They are aware of their complex emotions, and they are less cautious of what others have to say about them. If you are less concerned about what others think of you, you are less stressed which is beneficial to our mental health. 

Remember sadness and tears is not a sign that we are weak but a sign that we are human. It is natural to experience the emotion of sadness just like experiencing every other emotion. So do not stop yourself from crying and releasing your emotions when you want to. Express them without thinking twice, just like when you express happiness or anger. Change our way of perceiving emotions and throw away the cautious thoughts we have on how others think of ourselves. We all have different stories different experiences. Others have no right to tell you how you should feel, and they certainly have no right to judge the way you react. Just be us cause everyone else is taken. Just let your tears row, cause that’s what cloud does all the time. Be mindful of ourselves, learn to talk to ourselves to understand our actions and behaviours in order to build better forms ourselves. Each emotion has its own reasons and should not be categorised into strengths or weaknesses as they are there to help us and that we would all experience them no matter what. It is okay to feel not okay at times.