
How is your diet impacting your skin’s health?

There are many external factors which impact your skin’s health. One very important one is your diet and which foods you eat. 

Whether you maintain a healthy lifestyle or not, there are certain foods you can add into your diet which can work to improve your skins health in different ways. 

Within this post we will discuss tasty foods and drinks which you can easily incorporate into your day to day life. 

In order for not only your skin to be healthy but also you as a whole, it is important to maintain an active and well balanced diet. 

If you are unsure on anything health and diet related speak to a professional. 

The first food which is good for your skin is fatty fish, whether this is salmon, mackerel or sardines. They have omega 3 which maintains moisture within your skin by keeping the essential oils within your skin. 

Omega 3 and the fatty acids work to reduce irritation and redness on the skin. It has also been used to help with dry skin even in cases like severe eczema. 

As well as this the omega 3 and fatty acids help produce collagen which works to preserve a youthful look. 

It is an easy food to add into your diet, this could be through smoked salmon, mackerel pate or even sardines out of a can. 

Next we have avocados. Like the fatty fish avocados help to maintain the oils which your skin needs to maintain healthy moisture. 

Avocados have vitamins C & E which help with anti-aging. They also have a high water content which helps with hydration. They include anti-inflammatory ingredients which help to soothe the skin. 

Avocados are a perfect ingredient to add into breakfast, lunch and dinner. You could have smashed avocado toast, avocado salad or make a guacamole. 

Next up is sweet potatoes, they include a source of vitamin A and C. Vitamin A works with cell repair and keeps your skin smooth. 

Vitamin C as mentioned before help with anti-aging and reducing redness. Sweet potatoes also have a high fibre content which helps to release toxins from the skin. 

Sweet potatoes can be easily added to salads or as a source of carbohydrate to any meal for example a baked potato.

Next up is tomatoes, which are a very versatile ingredient to add into your diet. This can be through a sauce, soup or just on their own. 

There are many benefits of tomatoes for your skin, one being their antioxidant properties. This helps with aging and helps to maintain smooth and youthful skin. 

Tomatoes include lycopene which protects the skin from UV rays. Tomatoes also have a high water percentage which maintains hydrated skin. 

Other than foods, green tea is another effective way of improving your skins health. 

Green tea is also high in antioxidants which contribute to the anti-aging process as well as reducing redness and inflammation. 

It can also be used to brighten and smooth your skin. When consuming green tea, this of course can be up to you but green tea also has digestion benefits so before and after meals works well for your body. 

Next we have nuts and seeds, these include zinc, fibre, protein and fatty acids. They all have properties which improve skin health. 

Zinc helps to manage oil levels within the skin and fibre works to regulate the digestive system. 

Protein consumption is necessary to maintain a healthy diet and helps to produce collagen which helps aging as mentioned above. 

By having fatty acids such as omega 3 and 6 which nuts and seeds do, this works to preserve skin cells leading to hydrated and smooth skin. 

Nuts and seeds can be used as toppings with yoghurt or porridge. They can also be a snack on their own or mixed in with salads. 

Next we have citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and limes. Lemons and limes can be added in through drinks or adding into recipes whereas oranges could be an easy on the go snack. 

The citrus fruits help with hydration, skin brightening, aid collagen production and due to the antioxidants leave your skin with a healthy and smooth complexion. 

The final food which helps to improve skin health is dark chocolate. There are different ways you can add dark chocolate into your diet. 

If you are new to eating dark chocolate, you may want to start with a low percentage then build up your tolerance. 

It can be melted or added on top of yoghurt and porridge, there are a lot of savoury recipes online which add in dark chocolate. As well as just consuming it as a sweet treat on its own. 

Dark chocolate helps with blood circulation which helps the skin become glowing and smooth due to the oxygen levels. It is known to be a stress reliever as well as improving your mood through endorphins. 

These have a direct effect on your skin health. 

It is important to take care of your skin in more ways than one. By having the right skincare, keeping active and looking after your diet this maximises your chances of having the healthiest skin possible.