
Clay Masks: Benefits, How to Use Them, Best Products

Clay mask and their popularity 

Clay masks have gained immense popularity among people who have oily or acne prone skin,  it helps to smooth and brighten your skin. These masks are designed specifically to minimise the oil and clear the impurities. This is one of the primary reasons why clay masks became popular. Clay masks have this absorbent quality which helps to remove the oil, impurities and toxins from your skin.  There are various kinds of clay masks which cater to different kinds of skin ensuring optimal results. Clay masks can control the shine and the appearance of enlarged pores by reducing the sebum production. 

The Social media has made clay masks popular, various social media influencers especially the social media influencer playing a huge part in popularising skincare. Increasing number of social media influencers promoting this brand have created a huge buzz. Additionally its magical properties in giving your skin that glow. Further the clean beauty movement has also significantly impacted people and more people are using organic skincare products.

Benefits of Clay Mask

Clay masks have been popular for its incredible results. These face masks when incorporated into your skin care routine with the correct skin care routine order it works in the most effective way to improve the skin texture. Let us explore the benefits of this clay facemask and how you can use them to get the maximum benefits. 

      1. Helps to unclog the pores – Clay masks are highly effective when it comes to unclogging the pores. Clay helps in absorbing the impurities such as excess oil from the pores. The clay mask when rinsed off takes with them all the impurities. The oil production is the main cause for clogged pores. Clay facemask helps to reduce the oil production therefore reducing the accumulation of impurities. 
      2. Helps in acne treatment – Clay mask has shown remarkable improvement in treating acne. As already mentioned clay helps with reducing the impurities. Thus helping to unclog the pores which is the primary cause for acne. 
      3. Helps with skin inflammation – Clay masks help in reducing the skin inflammation. Inflammation on your skin is caused mainly from the excess oil and impurities, clay mask by reducing these impurities helps in anti inflammation. Certain types of clay mask such as bentonite clay and kaolin clay have inflammatory properties. Minerals present in this clay mask relaxes your skin.
      4. Helps in exfloliation – Clay mask helps in exfoliation qualities. Clay mask has exfoliator qualities that helps to remove the dead cells and unclogs the pores for a smoother skin. Reducing this pores helps to reduce acne and breakage of the skin. 
      5. Relaxing properties – Clay masks can be used as a relaxing skincare to soothe your skin. When you apply a clay mask to your skin, it instantly gives you a cooling sensation that relaxes the skin from tiredness. A natural aroma of earth with a pleasant scent helps to calm your skin. A perfect escape from your busy life and clay mask act as an amazing self pampering technique to soothe your skin. 

    How to use Clay mask –

    To use a clay mask firstly clean your face and pat dry. Mix the clay powder with water, create a paste. Using a clean brush evenly spread within your face, keep it for a duration for 15 to 20 minutes. Let it dry and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. 


    Types of clay mask There are different types of clay masks available which have their own unique feature to heal your skin. There is a diverse range of options to choose from bentonite clay to kaolin clay. Different clay masks have different properties. You should choose the one that is best suited for your skin. Let us look into what kinds of clay masks you can buy.

    Bentonite Clay – Bentonite clay is the volcanic ash that removes impurities from your skin. It effectively removes all the impurities and basically pulls it out from your skin. When you use this as a mask in your skincare routine it helps to contain oil production. 


    Sky Organics Indian Healing Clay  –The Top Pick for bentonite clay, with 100% bentonite clay chemical free and cruelty free. This product helps to increase blood circulation and helps your skin with acne. This is for those with sensitive skin, bentonite clay is perfect for oily skin. 

    Sky Organics Indian Healing Clay
    Sky Organics Indian Healing Clay

    Kaolin clay – Kaolin is a gentle clay that is widely used in skincare. Kaolin is also known as white clay and it helps in relaxing the skin. It is a gentle clay that is widely used in all skin types. It helps to exfoliate the skin while absorbing the excess oil and giving a clear radiant skin. Kaolin clay has soothing properties that act as an anti-inflammatory substance, it also reduces redness. It is beneficial for treating and healing skin with irritation.



     H&C Kaolin Clay Powder – The H&C Kaolin Clay powder is a chemical free clay powder with 100% natural ingredients. Mixed with magical ingredients this is the fusion your skin needs to breathe. The brand is committed to using natural ingredients in all its products, taking appropriate measures to see that no preservatives are used.

    H&C Kaolin Clay Powder

    Pink Clay mask – Pink clay masks generally consist of a red and white clay mask. It is a mixture of magnesium, selenium and zinc. Pink clay mask helps to reduce the appearance of inflammation, is the most gentle clay mask, it also moisturises and hydrates your skin. And if you’re looking for a perfect clay mask that will brighten your skin then pink clay face mask is the one for you. Additionally, Pink Clay mask is enhanced with Seaweed Extract, a potent ingredient that gives your skin an additional boost of moisture in addition to its natural benefits. This special mixture helps to hydrate and nourish your skin, giving it a luminous and radiant appearance.




    ECLAT Pink Clay mask – The ECLAT Pink Clay mask is an exceptional skincare item made to hydrate and rejuvenate your skin. Your skin is nourished with natural ingredients while being moisturised and hydrated by the mask. It helps to replenish moisture, which makes your skin feel hydrated, soft, and supple

    Pink Clay Mask
    ECLAT Pink Clay mask
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    Taylor Max
    Taylor Max
    10 months ago

    Good blog

    10 months ago

    Very informative